Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Brian Vickers on Imputation

"...there is not a strict division in these texts between the ideas of Christ's 'active' obedience he rendered to the Father in terms of obeying his will or keeping the law, and Christ's 'passive' obedience, referring primarily though not exclusively to his dying on the cross...the obedience Paul speaks of in Romans 5:19 most likely refers to Christ's death, even though his death ultimately cannot be detached from his life. At the same time, the clear emphasis in that text is on Christ's obedience to God in contrast to Adam's disobedience. At the cross, Christ obeyed the will of his Father...God made Christ a sacrifice for sin and Christ fully obeyed God and became that sacrifice for sin. He willingly accepted God's wrath against sin as it was placed upon him (passive) and he willingly bore that penalty for sin on the cross (active)...Christ's role as the second Adam does, in fact, include the provision for forgiveness of sins and a positive standing before God on the basis of Christ's obedience" (Jesus' Blood and Righteousness, Brians Vickers, pp. 196-7)

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